On review today is a personal favourite of mine and my “go to” tank, the Geekvape Avocado. The tank is based on a genesis style build. What’s a genesis build? Simply put it’s an RDA with a tank underneath – the cotton sits at the top and every time you move to vape the juice moves to touch the cotton and re-wet it. These styles have been around for a long time but have never been very popular – until now!
Before we kick off the review let’s get to some basic facts:
- Tank size: 22mm diameter (there are other Geekvape avocados with a larger size, this review is based on the original 22mm)
- Juice Capacity: 3ml
- Colour availability: Silver – that’s it, no other colours available!
- Material used: Stainless steel body, Pyrex glass
- Drip tip: 10mm Delrin “wide bore” drip tip, 7mm stainless steel drip tip
- Deck Style: Velocity 2 post deck
- Coil configuration: single coil and dual coil ability
- Pin: Gold plated adjustable 510 pin
What do you get in the box
- The avocado RDTA
- A spare frosted glass (the one attached is clear)
- Stainless steel drip tip
- Delrin wide bore drip tip
- Replacement ceramic block (more on this later)
- Bag of spare parts
Who is this tank for?
I always want to kick off a review with who the tank is designed for – why bother reading it is it’s not going to be for you!
First off, this tank is a buildable tank – you need to build the coils yourself. If you’re the type of vaper who wants something simple – “screw in and go”, this is not for you. If you are the type who likes to make their own coils or those looking to get in to making their own coils then this is the tank for you. Those who like to make really big builds, look away now – its 22mm diameter, there’s only so much you can fit in!
Secondly this tank is a genesis tank (see above) which means that the cotton is pushed in to holes at the top of the tank, there is nothing else but cotton keeping that juice from spewing out of the tank, if you leave your tank sideways long enough, this will leak. Although, I have to say this tank can be left on its side (if wicked correctly) for a while before it leaks. Do not let this genesis issue put you off until you’ve have read the full post though, it’ll be worth it!
Thirdly – I’ve found this tank works best on a regulated mod, on a mech mod I have found it to be “meh”. If you’re a mech mod enthusiast this probably isn’t for you (although I am biased and prefer regulated mods!)
Design & quality
The quality of the avocado is impressive, especially for the price tag of this tank (between £20-£30). Everything fits smoothly together, the top is tight yet is removed without any issues and the tank feels sturdy. You tend to find that most tanks will come with a bit of dirt from the manufacturing but this tank was clean. All Geekvape products I’ve purchased (and I’ve purchased a lot!) have always impressed me with their build quality.
You’ll see that the tank has side air holes, it doesn’t look overly large but it does offer good air flow. There are options for more restrictive holes as well so caters to the bulk of vaper’s out there.
The deck itself is a velocity style deck with decent enough holes to fit most builds (designed for a 22mm base). It is very easy to build on which makes it perfect for those looking to get in to building your own to those more experienced vaper’s. I can install a coil in less than a minute with this deck – easy!
Designs wise, it looks good however do not be fooled! There are a couple of nagging points which might put the average vaper (and professional vaper) off using the avocado. First off is the cleaning of the tank. To get access to the tank itself you have to dismantle it completely. This is done simply by removing the 510 pin and everything comes off however watch out the tiny (and I mean tiny) nut at between the velocity deck, you lose that bad boy you could have issues! Secondly, again to do with the 510 pin, is that it needs to be secure, if not when you try to unscrew the tank from your mod you can accidently unscrew the main body which will result in the Pyrex glass coming loose and all of your juice flowing out – it’s happened to me, more than once and it’s not very nice! Lastly is the filling of your juice – if you have a single coil build it’s not an issue, dual coil you’ll find will be very difficult to fill as all the wholes will have your cotton in it, you’ll either have to remove one to fill or buy a bottom with a needle tip to refill – it’s a pain!
Have I put you off yet?! Now don’t be put off just yet, those issues along with the “leak potential” would normally be enough to put me off any tank (you wait until you read my review on the Avocado 24!) but you will notice in the title I call it a love affair and for a very good reason!
There are three key areas which I always look for in a tank, buildability, clouds, and to me the most important of all, flavour.
Buildability, as mentioned, is a breeze to build on. There is ample space there, even for beginners in coil building. It also comes with a nice ceramic block which, should you wish to run a single coil (recommended) you can then block off the other two holes to stop any leaking. Using a velocity style you have so much room to manoeuvre and the build of the deck has been sturdy for me all the time. Wicking it is child’s play; you put it through your coil, snip to size and shove in the holes, done. The tank does offer dual coil but I’ve found that this tank works best as a single coil build (plus you end up with spare holes to fill your tank)
Clouds – this will inevitably depend on the juice you use however I tend to use a 70/30 split (Twelve Monkeys Kanzi) and the clouds are good, they’re thick, they’re large, and you’ll be surprised. Given the price point and the size you get a good return on this.
Finally, flavour – OMG / WTF/ [Numerous other acronyms kids are spewing these days!] The flavour you can get from this tank is phenomenal! Whatever you thought your juice tasted like before, forget about it, this tank will tell you something else. If you’re a flavour chaser (which I am) you need to try this tank. It’s not going to be easy if you’re left to your own devices but once you get it right you don’t want to put this tank down. This has become my tank above all tanks. RDA tanks have traditionally been the tank for flavour chaser however this beats almost every other tank I’ve tried. I have nothing else to say in regards to flavour, you buy this tank for this and this alone!
Final Thoughts
Would I buy this tank? I did! Would I use this tank on a daily basis: I do! This tank needs some love, don’t think it’ll produce that flavour with any old build, it won’t. I’ve spent a lot of time with this tank, and I’m a trier (at least that’s what my misses says to me!), I will keep going and keep tinkering until I hit that spot and get the result! I tell you think, you put the effort in and you will reap the rewards! Read my article on “the best build for the avocado” to see how I build on it, and if you still don’t like it then… well your crazy (Can you feel love affair for the tank!!??)
Flavour, flavour, flavour! This tank is amazing and, when done right, will be your go to vape. You can use this as a standard tank but also as an RDA (given the build style) which makes it quite versatile. It’s a breeze to build on and is well made to last a long time. Its price point is also a major plus – the number one genesis tank before the Avocado came out was the Haze tank which retailed for over £100. For a fraction of the price you are getting something phenomenal!
Did you read the review? There are many; difficult to fill on dual coil; potentially leaks; fiddly to take apart (and keep all the pieces) and the build needs to be right. Enough to make most people think twice, but don’t. This is a tank you need to try.