The Variables One of the questions I get asked quite often by smokers looking to quit is whether vaping is actually cheaper than smoking? To begin to answer anything like that you need to know the parameters affecting the individual. How many do you smoke per day? What brand of cigarette do you smoke? Do you smoke straights or rollies? What are your social habits i.e. are you down the pub every ev...
Volts 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Ohms 0.10 102.4W 32A 115.6W 34A 129.6W 36A 144.4W 38A 160W 40A 176.4W 42A 193.6W 44A 211.6W 46A 230.4W 48A 250W 50A 360W 60A 490W 70A 640W 80A 0.15 68.27W 21.33A 77.07W 22.67A 86.4W 24A 96.27W 25.33A 106.67W 26.67A 117.6W 28A 129.07W 29.33A 141.07W 30.67A 153.6W 32A 166.67W 33.33A 240W 40A 326.67W 46.67A 426.67W 53.33A 0.20 51.2W 16A ...
The continuous discharge rating of most 18650 batteries is 20 amps. Please check your battery’s amp rating before referring to the below chart. If resistance is too low, amperage will become dangerously high which could cause your battery to vent or worse. Mechanical Mod Safety Resistance Chart Ohms Dual Battery Parallel (4.2 volts fully charged) Single Battery (4.2 volts fully charge...
Kanthal A1 Gauge (AWG) Wire Diameter (mm) Resistance Ω/m 1cm Ω/m 1.5cm Ω/m 18 1.02 20 0.81 2.76 0.028 0.042 22 0.64 4.33 0.043 0.065 24 0.51 7.09 0.071 0.107 26 0.40 11.42 0.114 0.171 27 0.35 14.17 0.142 0.213 28 0.32 18.11 0.181 0.272 29 0.28 22.44 0.224 0.336 30 0.25 28.35 0.284 0.426 31 0.23 35.83 0.358 0.537 32 0.20 45.28 0.453 0.680 33 0.17 57.09 0.571 0.857 34 0.15 72.44 0.724 ...
If you’re just starting out with vaping, it can be very confusing with all of the terminology and acronyms thrown about, especially over the internet. We hope that we can help spruce up your knowledge on some of the common terms used in the vaping world. ADV – All Day Vape; a term given to an e-liquid which is ideal for vaping all day. AFC – Air Flow Control; typically a ring or ...
As I mentioned at the beginning of this series, these posts are designed to give you a summary understanding to the various parts of vaping. I would be lying if tell you the following recommendations are 100% the best devices for you to buy when starting out. However knowing what I know today I would recommend this to begin with. I’ve seen instances where vapers who were interested bought a pen ki...
Choice is a wonderful thing, however how do you know what’s good vs bad and what’s genuine vs a clone? As you’ve should have gathered by now, there’s a lot of moving parts to advance vaping. From the types of batteries you use to the tools and the cotton you build with can make a difference to how you vape. Batteries If you’ve bought a mod that takes external batteries then the type of batteries y...
The most subjective element in vaping. One thing that I’ve found to be a common, but not exclusive, is that new vapers always want a tobacco flavour vape but within a couple of days they’ve switched to a fruity more shisha like flavour. That’s probably because smokers want to smoke. Until they’ve quit, and not had a cigarette for a least 2-3 days, they can’t smell the difference. Reading descripti...
e-Cigarette: These look like cigarettes though the traditional white part of the cigarette is the battery (USB rechargeable usually) and the traditional filter part is the cartridge containing the liquid and atomiser. No buttons to push to activate usually, just smoke as you normally would and the tip should light up and you get a hit of vape. Vape Pens: Moving away from what the cigarette looks l...
All of us here have suffered from a particular problem, we kept changing gear. When starting out, we did our research and bought what we thought at the time would be “good enough” for our use at the time. Like a newborn baby, you soon outgrow your current gear and see the next new thing on the market which you now think suits your needs better. Slowly but surely, and probably when you’ve spent a d...
Whether you are a smoker thinking of quitting or just a bystander walking past plumes of unnatural clouds, you’ve undoubtedly heard something about vaping. There has been a lot of mixed press about vaping, in the beginning, a lot of negative press due to this new fangled craze using devices that were exploding and yet hardly any explanations as to why (who remembers the “terrorist” stop on the M6 ...