All of us here have suffered from a particular problem, we kept changing gear. When starting out, we did our research and bought what we thought at the time would be “good enough” for our use at the time. Like a newborn baby, you soon outgrow your current gear and see the next new thing on the market which you now think suits your needs better. Slowly but surely, and probably when you’ve spent a decent amount of money, you get to a plateau point and then you’ll only buy a “treat” once in awhile. Either that or you will have quit completely or decided vaping isn’t for you and have gone back to smoking cigarettes.
The market right now is releasing new products pretty much on a monthly basis. Companies like Aspire / Kanger / Smok are in overdrive trying to capitalise on the hype of vaping globally. However there will be a few gems that you will come across every so often. Psyclone Mods and 528 Customs are creating some great products though at much more demanding prices.
Here are the most common elements of vaping:
- Modifier (Mod – regulated or mechanical)
- Atomiser
- Tanks / Tanks with Rebuildable Atomisers (RBA units)
- Rebuildable Tank Atomisers (RTA)
- Rebuildable Dripping Atomisers (RDA)
- Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomisers (RDTA)
- Battery
- Cotton
- Juice