Single Coil

Geekvape Avocado 22 & Avocado 22 Limited Edition Best Build

This bad boy of tank is a beast when it comes to flavour – if done right. The wrong build can lead to mediocre flavour and multiple dry hits. I’ve spent months using the Geekvape Avocado 22 (and now the Geekvape Avocado 22 Limited Edition) and this best build is my personal favorite. It’s a single coil build which I would normally vape at around 61watts. Whats I use Geekvape Avoc...

Psyclone Mods Hadaly – Flavour Heaven

  Hadaly Well the Hadaly, by Psyclone Mods, needs little to no introduction here. The hype truly is real for this little atty. For those new to the vaping scene or to the Hadaly itself, it is a RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomiser – and a low profile one at that) thus requiring one to build their own coils as well is wick it themselves. As such, it is best advised for the intermediate to advanc...

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